Proverbs 31:18 "She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night."
I never really did understand this verse in context before. The commentaries we own just clumped the "virtuous woman" qualities in a paragraph or so. Mrs. George's in-depth study of each and every verse has reprimanded, challenged, motivated, and inspired me ~ all at once!
I didn't realize that this verse has to do with our Lady starting up her own business. With all in order at home and her family taken care of, she is free to use her gifts and abilities to build a personal business.
This woman was successful because her demanded excellence. She had:
Excellent taste ~ This verse begins with "she perceiveth that her merchandise is good". The Hebrew word for "perceive" is the same word used in Psalm 34:8 as "taste" ~ "Taste and see that the Lord is good." She "tastes and sees that her work is good." By trial and error, she perfects her product and is confident about it.
Excellent goods ~ What merchandise is this verse referring to? Remember the field and vineyard she purchased after much consideration? This wise woman surely planted enough so that the harvest from both would not only be plentiful enough to provide for her family, but to also sell the remaining produce for a nice profit. She can also sell her weaving. Remember how much care she took in processing the raw wool and flax to make sumptuous, colorful wool and linen garments? "Perceiving that her clothing was good, she creates and sells her handiwork to others. (vs.24)"
Excellent results ~ Her merchandise is profitable because it is good! She does the very best for her family and wouldn't consider offering any of her loved ones something that is of poor quality ~ it's the best! Whatever of this "best" is left over, she sells it and brings a good price.
Excellent pursuit ~ "...her lamp goeth not out by night." This lady burns the midnight oil! Again, the her two sides come into play ~ Her intellectual perception ~ "she perceives" turns into a physical exertion ~ "her lamp does not go out by night".
~ A bit about the lamp ~ Remember how the lamp was just a saucer of oil with a linen wick? According to Mrs. George's study, this lamp meant a lot to those who noticed its flickering light.
1. Work was going on. No lazy people in this house!
2. Hospitality. "It signaled needy travelers that comfort and refreshment were available."
3. Prosperity. Oil was costly.
4. Wisdom. Remember that this flame was used to light the morning fire. Our lady had to get up several times in the night to replace the oil.
Busy is such an inadequate word to use to describe this woman! Industrious, diligent, conscientious, tireless, attentive, meticulous and thorough seem to suffice a bit more!
The How-To's of Beauty:
1. Listen to others. We usually take our gifts for granted. Do you get compliments for something you can do?
2. Move forward. Even if you make a mistake, go on. Consider it an education.
3. Develop your skills. You'll not only sharpen your skills, but your confidence as well.
4. Redeem your time. Buy back your time from non-profitable activities (such as TV, etcetera) and use it to develop your talent.
5. Take risks. Try new things, be bold!
6. Do your best. Ecclesiastes 9:10 says "Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might."
7. Do your projects unto the Lord. Commit your ways unto the Lord, and He will direct your path. (Read Proverbs 16:3 and Colossians 3:23)
8. Manage for profit. We can help strengthen our family's finances by bringing in extra profit.
9. What you're doing is important! Your confidence is found in the Lord, the talents and abilities He's given you, and the use of your gifts for the benefit of others.
10. Family first. Money doesn't motivate this lady. Greed goes against everything she believes in. Her motive is to do her best work to bless her family first, and then others.
This post has me thinking of what I can do for my "Proverbs 31 Project" to benefit my family. What about you?
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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