Proverbs 31:31 "Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."
Well, sisters, this is the last chapter of Elizabeth George's book, "Beautiful in God's Eyes". I've so enjoyed doing this study ~ as I've mentioned before, I've been reprimanded, challenged, encouraged, and motivated. This last chapter is a culmination of all the things this wonderful woman has been working for so diligently, and now she receives her reward.
This lady has "chosen to live her life in the shadows and to bear fruit that grows only in the shade. Hidden at home, she gives her utmost for God's highest glory as a woman who fears the Lord." The rewards that await this beautiful woman that "has long been content to silently serve? A loud and unanimous chorus of praise!"
The Fruit of Her Hands:
"Give her of the fruit of her hands..." "Just as admirers award conquerors prizes for their feats and prowess, so we too are to give God's beautiful woman her prizes." In other words, give the gal some credit! "Give her the profit she's earned, the goods she's worked, the reputation she's established, the marriage she's nurtured, the home she's built, the family life she's cultivated, the future she's labored for! Give it all to her!"
In today's society, our Proverbs 31 woman is mocked, disdained, and despised. Today's "modern" woman considers her to be "just a housewife", or one that is wasting her talents and abilities at home when she could be out making a good living in the corporate world.
However, God calls us to praise her, admire her, follow her and to become like her! In his book The Book of Proverbs, W.O.E. Oesterly wrote this about our Lady: "This verse forms a fitting conclusion to what is the most remarkable exposition in the OT on the position of women, exalting... her functions in the home as wife, mother, and mistress, and showing how contentedness and happiness in the domestic circle depend upon the foresight and oversight of this queen of the hearth."
Praise in the Gates:
"Let her own works praise her in the gates." This means that others outside her home were praising her publicly for her works. Mrs. George writes, "How lovely and how encouraging to see that where men congregate, where the leaders of the people meet in solemn assembly, her praise is sung and the highest honor ascribed to her!"
Although her motivation has been to care for others ~ and placing herself last ~ although her work has been seemingly unnoticed, although her work is behind the scenes, now her deeds are "publicly acknowledged and acclaimed." She now gets to enjoy a good reputation and a high standing in the community. It was said that "Much of what...women do is in a supportive role, but imagine what would happen to a building if its support pillars were removed!"
Mrs. George writes, "Even if all voice were silent, even if no words of praise were spoken, the woman who is beautiful in God's eyes would receive the honor due her: Her very works are a monument to her name. The works of her hands and the fruit of her labor find a voice and proclaim her praise! As our poem declared earlier, 'A woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised' (vs 29) ~ no matter what!"
An Invitation to Beauty:
"Every voice possible is praising our woman who is so very beautiful in God's eyes!" Her children, (vs. 28) her husband, (vs 28,29,31 ~ he is one of the voices in the gates!) other people, (vs 31) her own works, (vs 31) and most importantly, God. (vs. 30 ~ the fear of the Lord results in His praise!) Notice the only voice missing? The woman's! She's not bragging about her job as homemaker ~ She lives by Proverbs 27:2 "Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips."
Mrs. George concludes her book with this thought: [God's beautiful woman] "is here in Proverbs 31 to inspire, instruct, and encourage you when you fail, when you find your vision dimming, or when you sense your priorities shifting. A fresh visit... will renew your vision, restore your strength, and rekindle your love for God and your commitment to His plan for making you and your life beautiful in His eyes!"
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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