In my mind, homemaking and motherhood go hand in hand. Baking cookies ~ children. Wiping faces orange-stained with Spaghetti-Os ~ children. Vacuuming up purple and blue glitter piles embedded in my beige carpet ~ children. Wiping sticky fingerprints off the front door and TV screen ~ children. Decorating for St. Patrick's Day ~ children. Planning a Christian Passover Sedar ~ children. Planning Resurrection Sunday ~ children. Home ~ children!
Now the hubs fits in, too ~ quite nicely, may I add ~ but my children and their needs take up a huge part of my job as a homemaker. Ever since I've allowed the Lord to work in my attitude about striving more to be that Proverbs 31 woman, He's impressed the importance about discipling my children. I've been convicted SO MUCH in this area that I'm going to be posting about my journey as I learn about my ministry as a mother.
I found a book Sally Clarkson wrote called "The Ministry of Motherhood". The premise of this book is to challenge women to disciple their children to be passionate, devoted servants of Christ.
She uses the acronym "GIFTS" to show how we can make a lasting difference in our child's life by following the pattern Christ set with His own disciples. The GIFTS we give our children are the GIFTS of :
G ~ Grace
I ~ Inspiration
F ~ Faith
T ~ Training
S ~ Service
Elizabeth George also has a wonderful section about a mother's ministry in her best-selling book, "A Woman After God's Own Heart" which prompted her to write "A Mom After God's Own Heart". I'll be sharing my thoughts as I study these books in the weeks to come.
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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