Proverbs 31:25 "Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come."
I don't know about you, but this study has inspired me to strive even more to become God's beautiful woman. When I've caught myself getting frustrated or needlessly thinking "poor me", God's reminded me of this phrase: "choose to be joyful!" Getting up earlier has helped me so much ~ I feel like I'm a step ahead of the game. Like Mrs. George wrote in an earlier chapter, "Nothing just happens." It'll take time, but I'm already amazed how God has used this book to motivate me to get out of my funk and take my responsibility as a homemaker more seriously.
Upon first glance, this chapter seems to talk more about our lady's clothing. However, this clothing just isn't her outward adornment, but is ~ in fact ~ her spiritual adornment. I love the NIV translation of the Apostle Peter's advice to wives in his First epistle, chapter 3, verses 3-5.
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful."
The Clothing of Character:
Our Lady clothes herself in her character. Her garments are strength and honor. (dignity) Again, that word "strength" comes up. Not only is she physically strong, (she strengthens her arms) but she's mentally tough, too. She's built up economic strength, "so she faces daily life and the prospect of old age with ample monetary reserves. Also, having made diligent preparations, she is ready to meet temporal changes (like a snowy change in the weather) with confidence." Her trust in the Lord strengthens her for sorrow and care. She has strength in wisdom as well as social strength (because of her compassion and dignified conduct). Mrs. George writes, "As the finishing touch to this wardrobe of virtues, her powerful mind gives her an inward vigor and resolution. Yes, strength for life is her clothing."
The literal Hebrew translation for dignity is "splendor". This means that she has a regal bearing as well as godly behavior. "Apparently her noble spirit gives her the aura of majesty. There is nothing common, low or little in her wardrobe of character. Her greatness of soul ~ coupled with her gracious conduct ~ spells goodness to all who are blessed to know her. All that she is, is touched with the beauty of dignity."
Joy for a Lifetime:
I liked these translations for the second half of verse 25:
"She shall rejoice in time to come."
"She is not afraid of the future."
"She smiles at the future."
"She can laugh at the days to come."
Notice a common theme here, sisters? Our Lady isn't worried. She doesn't fret or wring her hands. She's prepared. She has done everything she can to provide for her family and trusts God to take care of the rest. "Faithful herself with the temporal matters of life, she trusts God for the eternal."
I'm just going to quote Mrs. George here, because she sums it up perfectly ~ "Whether she's thinking about the past, the present, or the future, she experiences only pleasure. She's done her job. She's carried out her God-given assignments and lived out her virtues a day at a time, every day of her life. Looking backward, she has no regrets. Looking forward, she has nothing to dread. Living in the present, she knows only the joyous challenge of tapping into God's provision and putting her powerful mind and body to work for one more beautiful and joy-filled day!"
The How-To's of Beauty:
1. Your spiritual life ~ Your prayer closet. Visiting this closet first each day will clothe you in righteousness. Read Isaiah 52:1, Psalm 63:1, Isaiah 61:3, Ephesians 6:12-18 and 2 Corinthians 2:14-16. Amazing! We can clothe ourselves in garments of praise, the armour of God, and the fragrance of Christ. Who could ask for anything more?
2. Your family life ~ Put your family first! Take care of their physical needs of food (vs. 14-15) and clothing (vs. 21). Run a neat, clean, orderly home (vs. 27). "Pour out your love ~ lavishly, unselfishly, creatively, and joyously. And, if your service, your care, and your love seem to be unnoticed, or you feel unappreciated, or you never hear a "thank you", keep in mind the perspective and the call of Colossians 3:23 ~ "Whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men." Mrs. George encourages us to "put on the apron of nice" ~ God's beautiful woman takes care of her family ~ "whatever age and whatever stage". After all, the Fruit of the Spirit includes kindness [and] goodness!
3. Your financial life ~ Keep watch! Set your financial goals and try to find creative ways to save money. Think some more on your Proverbs 31 Project!
4. Your physical life ~ Strengthen your body for your work! Set goals for your physical health and strength. In my case, put down the Dr. Pepper and pop in the Wii for some exercise! I realize that taking better care of myself now will aid my health for the future. By doing this, I will be able to enjoy my old age instead of having physical ailments that keep me from doing the tasks I need/want to!
5. Your mental life ~ Love God with all your mind! We will stand before God one day and give an account for how we've lived our lives ~ and that will include how we used the mind He gave us! Here are some ideas Mrs. George gives to use your mind in a constructive way:
"a. Read, memorize and meditate on God's Word.
b. Think through the issues of Scripture ~ the role of women in the church, etc.
c. Think, pray, and plan ~ just as the Proverbs 31 woman does!
d. Read a good Christian book/biography every month.
e. Read a time-management or money-management book.
f. Read worthwhile books, such as books on marriage, mothering and homemaking."
6. Your social life ~ "A Circle of Friends". The Bible tells us that it's important to have a few "best friends" ~ friends that stick closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24) Make time for your BFF's ~ encourage them and pray for them. One of my favorite songs from Point of Grace is called "A Circle of Friends". One of the verses states, "If you weep, I will weep with you. If you sing for joy, the rest of us will lift our voices, too. But no matter what you feel inside, there's no need to pretend. That's the way it is in this circle of friends."
7. Your professional life ~ Your contribution that advances your family financially. Keep your skills sharp and up-to-date. Keep reaching for higher levels of excellence. "Stay alert, plan and dream, take the initiative to develop those skills and abilities; work hard."
These clothes of strength and dignity just don't happen to fall on all by themselves. We have to take the initiative to clothe ourselves. I especially loved the example of clothing myself each day in my prayer closet with garments of praise, the armour of God, and the fragrance of Christ. That's what it's about, isn't it, sisters? Glorifying and praising our King, dressing for battle against the wiles of the devil, and being so much like Jesus that others can sense His perfume around us! Yes, that is the source of strength and dignity.
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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