This Proverbs lady is some incredible woman! So far, we've been able to catch a glimpse of her character. She chooses to be joyful doing the everyday tasks of her homemaking ~ she is loyal to her husband ~ she contributes to her household by working hard to give them the very best ~ she plans and organizes each day ~ and she makes a great effort to lavish her home with touches of beauty to minister to her family. This chapter is about her vision and her business savvy.
Step #1: Consideration
Mrs. George writes a scenario where this woman hears about an opportunity to buy a field. This would increase her husband's wealth, status and improve her family's situation. Even though her immediate response may be to buy it, she "considers" it by asking herself ~
~ Would it be a wise investment? (She examines the land personally)
~ Can we afford it? (Since she's a wise manager, she knows exactly how much is in the "checkbook" and wisely figures in any additional costs to buy/improve the field)
~ Do I have the time to care for it?
~ Will this new endeavor take precedence over my responsibilities at home?
It is logical that this loyal wife shares her idea with her husband. She "wouldn't act independently... impulsively... (or) without advice...."
Step # 2: Acquisition
She purchases the land ~ her "field of dreams". Mrs. George writes that an actual "field" in the Holy Land is basically a plot of land measuring about 50 feet by 80 feet. The owner "first cleared the area of its many large rocks and used them to build a stacked-stone wall around the lot. Then the owner tilled and planted the land."
But where does she get the money? It has to be from her wise management! All her efforts to run an efficient home literally paid off!
Step #3: Renovation
With her profit, "She planteth a vineyard". Mrs. George explains that this wise woman bought 2 "distinctly different kinds of property." (Field and vineyard are different words ~ she didn't buy the field and plant the vineyard in that space. She purchased both.) A vineyard was a wise investment because water was scarce in the arid region she lived in. The vineyard would supply her family with plenty of wine, and she could sell what was left to earn even more money for her precious family.
The How-To's of Beauty:
1. Desire God's beauty ~
a. Patience: Wait before you act.
b. Prudence: Think things through.
c. Prayerful: Seek the Lord's wisdom.
d. Petition: Consult your husband.
e. Purpose: To know God's guidance for the right direction.
f. Perseverance: Do what it takes to make the dream a reality.
2. Devote yourself to God's goals ~
a. Building your home
b. Building an honorable name for your family
c. Building up the next generation
3. Your husband is paramount ~
a. Be willing to submit to his authority
b. Consult him on everyday issues
4. Creativity abounds ~ When we set aside self to serve others, God can give us opportunities to creatively show our love.
5. Dare to dream ~ If you could improve your family's financial status, what would you love to do?
6. Do the work ~ Mrs. George writes:
"Her virtue (vs. 10) led to
her willing heart (vs. 13) which led to
her industry (vs. 13) which led to her savings (vs. 11) which led to
her investments (vs. 16) which led to
her prosperity (vs. 25)".
I enjoyed this chapter so much! I like how this family-loving woman is always thinking of ways to improve/lavish her home to make it a place where souls are refreshed and revived!
It never ceases to amaze me that she's always putting her family's needs above everything else! You know, today's society would relegate this amazing woman to a nondescript doormat! How completely untrue!
I've been guilty of feeling sorry for myself and snapping at my family ~ "I'm not your servant!" But I should be willing to be. After all, when I'm serving my family, I'm ultimately serving Christ ~ Who "took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men." (Philippians 2: 7)
This study is so much more than "How to be a Proverbs 31 Woman in 31 Days"! It takes willingness to admit my weaknessess, confess my selfishness, change my attitude, and cultivate a true desire to become the servant my Savior wants me to be.
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