Proverbs 31:13 "She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands."
Mrs. George begins this chapter sharing her about one of her experiences while visiting the Holy Land. She goes into great detail as she explains the sights, sounds, smells and temperature as she and her husband, Jim, take a walk through the streets of Old Jerusalem. From the harried crowds, the sound of the constant construction going on, the smells of raw meat hanging in the heat of the day combined with diesel fumes, they were ready for a change of scenery!
Then, behind a closed door along the street, their tour guide led them to a walled courtyard garden. The sudden silence offered instant tranquillity. In that unlikely place ~ flowers, lush green grass, and the shade of several olive trees offered refreshment. However, the thing that delighted them the most was the fountain situated in the middle of the courtyard.
Everything ~ the house, veranda, garden and walkways was built around that fountain!
We are to be like that fountain for our homes ~ the center of all that happens there, bubbling with joy ~ "of life, of love, of nourishment ~ for others.... a joyous heart at the center of our home, a faithful and diligent worker who willingly, enthusiastically, and continually makes home happen."
God's ideal woman has a willing heart attitude. She tackles her work not only diligently, but cheerfully. She "literally puts her hands joyfully to work and makes her hands active after the pleasure of her heart." This really got me thinking, because in my mind, "cheerfulness" and scrubbing toilets don't go hand in hand. I don't exactly whistle a merry little tune as I fold laundry for the umpteenth time or load the dishwasher. It's never occurred to attack these mundane things with ~ joy?
According to this Scripture, this amazing woman had to weave thread to make her family's clothes. She alone was responsible to provide every article of clothing ~ not just the cloaks, but the tunics, inner garments, and sleepwear! (No quick trip to Wal~Mart here, sisters!)
Wool and flax were the 2 elements needed for weaving. This industrious woman gathered these elements in their raw, unrefined state and manufactured them herself. With joy and great care, she chose, bought, processed, dyed, spun and wove the materials to make the cloth. Then she created patterns to make the clothes.
The large outer garment was made of wool. This lady didn't just make the cloak and be done with it. She took the extra step to clothe her family as sumptuously as she could. The threads she spun became "brilliant crimson" (vs. 21) "canary yellow and Phoenician purple". (vs. 22)
Everything else was made of flax. Flax is an herb that has to be gathered, separated, twisted and bleached BEFORE it can be woven into fine linen. To process flax, one must dry it, then peel, beat, (the more it was beaten, the more it glistened) and comb it before they finally spin it!
Boy, that makes what I do around my home seem paltry! If this woman can do all of that, INCLUDING the typical cooking and cleaning with a JOYFUL heart, how much more should I? Mrs. George writes, "Like that fountain in the center of the garden, at the heart of its home, God's beautiful woman joyfully sings, hums, and whistles as she works, delighting in her work. She lives out God's exhortation, 'Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might' (Ecclesiastes 9:10). With zeal, enthusiasm, and gusto, she puts her heart into her work. She goes all out. She doesn't merely do her work; she does it willingly and joyfully!"
Others have translated verse 13 to read that the Proverbs 31 woman works with the pleasure of her hands, with willing hands, with merry hands, with inspired hands!
The How-To's of Beauty:
1. Pray daily. Only the Lord can change your heart attitude. Only "prayer can give you the God-given perspective that lifts your duties in the home out of the physical realm and transports them to the spiritual realm."
2. Recite Scripture. Psalm 118:24 is a great one, "This is the day which the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it."
3. Do your work as unto the Lord. Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord and not unto men."
4. Make the choice (there's that word again!) to tackle each daily task energetically, creatively, and joyfully.
5. Look for the benefits. It's a way to serve the Lord ~ it's helping my family, etcetera.
6. Pause and rest. A much-needed break will help us stay energized.
7. Watch what you eat. This is convicting for me, a Dr. Pepper addict. I know that if I load up on caffeine and sugar, I'll eventually crash. I can get irritable and snippy with my family. I need to choose to eat more healthily so I can be more even-keeled and stay energetic.
8. Value each day. Remember, "How we live each day is our one step at a time toward our excellence and the kind of praise we'll receive."
What a way to minister to my family! I can "refresh and revive" my family, just like that fountain. Again, I set the tone for my household. I will choose joy! Woo hoo! I'm ready to go fold clothes ~ joyfully!
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
I am going to tackle that unmade bed with joy. Your words of wisdom from God's word have convicted me.