Proverbs 31:15 "She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens."
Mrs. George begins this chapter with a glimpse into a modern-day Jewish woman's daily routine. When the Georges arrived in Israel, they were jet-lagged and waiting for morning to arrive. When the sun had risen just enough to go to the roof of their hotel, they saw a woman working on her rooftop. The laundry was already hung on a clothesline, the door was open to allow the morning air to cool the stone house, and the porch was clean and swept. This Proverbs 31 woman then cut some flowers growing in pots to beautify her home, and plucked a few lemons off her citrus tree before she disappeared into the house. What discipline she has!
King Lemuel's mother knew the benefits a well-disciplines woman can bring to her household. Mrs. George gives us three.
Discipline # 1: An Early Start
The above verse tells us that the woman who blesses her home "rises also while it is yet night." Back when this was written, a woman got up early (and, may I add, often!) for a number of reasons.
a. Tending to the fire at home: She had to tend the lamp several times during the night. This lamp was little more than a saucer filled with oil and a wick made of flax floating in it. It had to keep burning all night so its flame could be used to light the household fire the next morning. This homemaker got up several times to replenish the oil so the lamp wouldn't go out. (Proverbs 31:18) She could also do a little bit of prep work for the day as well.
b. Tending to the fire of her heart: She used the early morning hours to spend time with the Lord. It says in verse 30 of this chapter that she "feareth the Lord" so she knew the importance of the Law. (Deuteronomy 6:5).
c. Tending to the fires of their hearts: It had been said that you can't give away what you don't possess. This lady knew the importance of tending the fire of her heart first, so that she could tend the fires of her children's hearts. Deuteronomy 6:7 states that this busy mom was to instruct, teach and train her children in the knowledge of God and His laws.
Discipline #2: Food for the Family
The woman who blesses her home "giveth meat to her household". The most important staple of this family's home was bread. Even today, "three out of four people in the Middle East live entirely on bread.... Bread was ~ and is ~ truly the staff of life and a mainstay with every meal." This lady's first duty of the day was to grind the grain to make the bread. Then, she mixed the flour into dough and baked the pita-like bread on "hot rocks and ashes".
The Hebrew word for "meat" in this verse means "prey" and refers to the prey of a lion. Here, she is likened to a "lioness prowling at night to obtain food for her household." So far, this incredible woman has been a/an army, (vs.10) warrior, (vs. 10) worker, (vs. 13) ship, (vs. 14) and now a lioness! (vs. 15) This continues to point to her strength and courage as she provides for the needs of her household!
Who is fortunate enough to be in her household? The obvious, of course, is her husband and children. This list also includes any extended family, her servants, and her guests.
Discipline # 3: A Plan for the Day
"She giveth... a portion to her maidens". I misunderstood this passage until I studied it further. Although I assumed the "portion" was food, it also means "work", or an assignment. Not only did she make sure her servants were fed properly, but she also had things planned for them to do during the course of the day. How organized she must have to be to plan out the days' work for herself, her family, and her servants! No wonder she has to rise early!
This beautiful woman lived out a pattern for success that we can emulate today. She had:
1. Time alone. Ever crave some peace and quiet? Try rising 30 minutes earlier than the kids.
2. Time with God. Why not use this time to commune with the Father and ask Him to bless your day?
3. Time to plan. "A few quiet minutes alone before the rush of the day begins means time for the planning that is essential for a well-ordered home."
4. Time to get the jump on the day. You can "redeem time" by starting early. This time can be used to set an orderly tone and pattern for your household.
The How-To's of Beauty:
1. Determine a time. Figure out how much time you need to complete your routine. Then, work backwards from your original wake-up time and set that alarm!
2. Get to bed. Try moving your bedtime up at least a half hour.
3. Say a prayer. After lights out, center your focus on the Lord and what you desire to accomplish for Him the next day. This transfers the physical (getting up earlier) into the spiritual realm.
4. Get up!
This post is SO convicting to me, sisters. My attitude of "just a few minutes more" is a selfish one. As a homemaker, I am the key to a well-run, efficient household. Since I set the pattern for the home, I must discipline myself to rise early ~ to pray and plan ~ making my home the haven I so desire for my family.
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
In the spring time I really enjoy getting up early in the morning, finding that first cup of coffee, sitting on the deck, listening to the birds sing and start their work for the day, and watching the sun come to brighten my world. This is "MY Me and God Time". God has given me many answers to my problems this way. It is my way of slipping away from the noise of the world of radio and TV. I can hardly wait for spring to get here so I can start my journey again through the fall of the year.
ReplyDeleteFall brings the time to change the hands on clock and that means that cold weather with the winds and snow are on the way. That also means no deck time. It is time for the cup of coffee, recliner and fireplace, but you know what? God is always there. Some of the best talks I have had with the Lord have been over a sink full of dirty dishes or just sitting in my recliner.
Your post today has certainly challenged me to get on the ball and try to be more of that Proverbs 31 woman. Thank you for sharing.