Obviously, God's view of beauty is completely different than the world's idealized glamour girl! I can't help but remember in Scripture where God reminds Samuel that man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart. One can be outward perfection, yet bear the ugliest of inner turmoils and scars!
So, what is virtuous, anyway? Mrs. George describes this Hebrew word as being likened to the 2 sides of a coin. One side is power of mind ~ such as moral principles and attitudes, while the flip side is power of body ~ potency and effectiveness. Not exactly the world's vision of beauty, is it?
This amazing woman's attitude and moral principles keep her from giving up, giving in, dropping out, or quitting short of her goal to please God. So, what are these attributes, exactly?
She is:
Pure ~ virtuous (vs. 10)
Honest ~ her husband trusts her (vs.11-12)
Industrious ~ she manages all the things she does (vs.13-19, 21-22, 24, 27, 31)
Thrifty ~ skillful with finances ~ okay, OUCH! (vs.14, 16)
Strong in character ~ courageous (vs.25, 29)
Kind ~ compassionate and sweet in speech (vs. 20, 26)
Wise ~ walks in wisdom (vs. 26)
Holy ~ wholeheartedly loves the Lord (vs. 30)
Her powerful body enables her to do all that God desires for her to do. Obviously, she needs energy to do all she does, so she must take good care of her health. (I'm guessing Dr. Pepper isn't in the plan!) So what exactly does she do?
1. Works willingly with her hands (vs. 13)
2. Plants a vineyard (vs. 16)
3. Operates a spindle and distaff (vs. 19) I absolutely have no clue what these are!
4. Works early in the morning (vs.15) until late at night (vs. 18)
5. Nurses the needy (vs. 20)
6. Weaves cloth to clothe her family, household, herself and to sell for her business (vs. 21-24)
7. Never idle ~ she is constantly watching and building her home (vs. 27)
I didn't realize that the Hebrew word for virtuous is also used to describe an army! It makes sense, though. The core of this woman is capability, strength, efficiency and worthiness! This Hebrew word also refers to a man of war, men of war, and men prepared for war. Mrs. George states, "Just as mental toughness and physical energy are the primary traits of an army, they also mark God's beautiful woman."
Finally, the How-to's:
1. Cultivate the desire ~ What will I want to have accomplished by the age of 80? (Ps. 90:10) Will those accomplishments have made a difference for eternity?
2. Give it time ~ "Nothing this grand happens overnight; nothing this grand just happens."
3. Read God's Word ~ It should be our highest priority.
4. Memorize God's Word ~ It's our Comfort, Conscience and Sword!
5. Time with other women ~ Surround yourself with those who will encourage you spiritually.
6. Read about other Godly women ~ Mrs. George suggests Amy Carmichael, Elisabeth Elliot and Ruth Graham, to name a few.
7. Time today ~ Dedicate each day to live for God and do it His way.
8. Time over a lifetime. "You and I don't ever need to be discouraged or feel overwhelmed by God's standard of beauty because He gives us, day by day, a lifetime to reach it."
I don't know about you, but this task still seems SO insurmountable! However, I can take some comfort in knowing this woman isn't just some typical male chauvinist fantasy. She's God's portrait of beauty and excellence. Oh, how I want my Father's loving approval ~ His recognition of "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!"
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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