Proverbs 31:11a "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her."
The first paragraph in this chapter filled me with such conviction, I could hardly stand it! Hope you're ready, 'cause here goes! "When a man marries a woman who is mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually strong, he can confidently build his life, his work, and his home, trusting in her rock-solid character to be a cornerstone for his efforts."
As you know, the cornerstone of a building is essential! It's the foundation! When we're living as God's beautiful woman, our husband can confidently go about his daily tasks, knowing that everything ~ his home, children and finances ~ is secure, upheld by his capable wife. In Psalm 144:12b, David wrote this about the nation who chose to follow after the Lord "...that our daughters may be as cornerstones, polished after the similitude of a palace." (KJV) The NIV states "...our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace." The commentary I studied stated that "the daughters are the sculptured angles, and ornament, of a palace." Strength and beauty ~ the heart of the Proverbs 31 Woman!
Mrs. George said that as she studied verse 11, three things surprised her about the statement, "the heart of her husband safely trusts in her."
1. Rest ~ The Hebrew word used for "heart" in this verse actually refers to the mind where doubt, anxiety, and restlessness fester. If a husband can trust his loyal wife, then his heart is at rest. Let's want to live in such a way that our husbands will "never have to worry or wonder about our character, our management of the home, our finances, or our time!"
2. Encouragement ~ "Trust" translates "to be of good courage, to take heart and to feel confidence." So, to paraphrase, we are an encouragement to our husbands if he can trust us.
3. Trust in God ~ Although we know that we're not to trust in people for spiritual fulfillment, God makes one exception: "A man's profit (a heart at rest, encouragement and confidence) is a result of his value of his wife! Our husbands trust us the same way they trust God!" One translation states, "The heart of her husband has faith in her." What a ministry we have!
So how can we become the woman our husband can find encouragement and confidence in? Here's Mrs. George's "Checklist of Loyalty":
a. Money ~ Can he depend on me to be diligent in helping to manage our finances?
b. Children ~ Am I a devoted mother, dedicated to train up obedient children who love the Lord, their father, and bring honor to His/his name?
c. Home ~ Do I make an effort to run an orderly home?
d. Reputation ~ Do I ever cause anyone to question his character?
e. Fidelity ~ Am I faithful to my wedding vows?
f. Emotions ~ Can he depend on me to be emotionally stable, avoiding blow-ups?
g. Happiness ~ Do I have joy like a fountain? Do I delight myself in the Lord?
h. Wisdom ~ Can he trust me to handle challenges that arise with godly wisdom?
i. Conduct ~ Do I conduct myself graciously, discreetly, virtuously and with dignity?
j. Love ~ Love is action. Actively caring for the details of our men's lives makes our love evident to them.
The How-To's of Beauty:
1. Take trust seriously.
2. Keep our word.
3. Follow through with his instructions ~ don't try to second-guess him.
4. When in doubt, check it out! Consult your husband about things, even if they seem trivial. I have a friend that saw a great sale on roasts. She wanted to buy a couple, even though roast wasn't on her grocery list. So, she called her husband and asked if he minded that she pick them up. It made him feel good that she wanted/cared about his opinion. That seemingly trivial thing added to the strength of their relationship because it showed him she valued his input.
5. Be accountable. Let your man know where you're going to be at all times. Not only will it nurture his trust in you, but also in your relationship. Just for thought: Have you ever wondered where Adam was when the serpent beguiled Eve?
Our husbands carry a heavy load of responsibility. Our men need a solid rock to rest their souls upon, and we can be that rock for them! We have a lifetime to allow God to transform us into that treasured cornerstone mentioned in Psalms!
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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