Proverbs 31:12 "She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life."
Mrs. George writes that the woman of excellence has a heart of goodness, or selflessness. How is her heart demonstrated?
1. The presence of good ~ "God's beautiful wife is intent on lavishing every possible good upon her husband. She's always thinking of ways to please him and ease his life without any thought of praise or recognition." If I may transparent with you, my first thought was "Bravo for her! Easier said than done!" But then I read Mrs. George's gentle reminder. "We are on assignment from God to help, respect, follow, and love our husbands." (Genesis 2:18, Ephesians 5:22, and Titus 2:4) Well, I certainly can't refute Scripture now, can I? I have to admit, I sometimes feel sorry for myself, thinking that my husband takes me for granted. How does he think stuff gets done around here, anyway? I'm no Mary Poppins who can snap her fingers and the beds make themselves! I finally realized that I have to take the focus off of myself and my feelings! I need to remember that the Lord sees what I'm doing and is pleased with me ~ as long as my heart is right. After all, it's the Lord I'm ultimately serving. We are to do things "heartily, as unto the Lord and not unto man." (Colossians 3:23)
2. The absence of evil ~ Although we are tempted to give into selfishness, resentment, anger or disagreement, by God's grace we can choose to follow after His plan to do our husbands good ~ not evil. As I re-read this passage, the word "choose" stood out. I was immediately convicted. Let me explain why. I have a friend who once told me that love is a choice, not a feeling. That bit of wisdom got me through some lonely times in my 20's. I began to understand that great chemistry wasn't enough for a successful relationship ~ I had to choose to love the right person! I knew I needed a man who was spiritually mature, steady, reliable and committed to please God. Then it hit me ~ that just wasn't for dating. It's just as important now, maybe even more so. If I truly love my husband, then I can choose to please him without letting how I feel influence my God-ordained assignment.
3. The influence of a lifetime ~ God's time frame for our mission is to "overflow with goodness all the days of her life"! That means our assignment is for life! We are to be a constant, positive influence to our husband until death separates us. What an undertaking!
How-To's of Beauty:
1. Beware of the enemies of goodness! What can cause problems in our marriage?
a. A tendency to compare ourselves with other people ~ Remember that God has a personal plan for each of OUR lives with OUR husbands.
b. Allowing bitterness to take root ~ It defiles those closest to us, especially our husbands and children. (Hebrews 12:15)
c. A sagging spiritual condition ~ Stay close to the Lord by reading His Word, by praying and walking in His grace.
2. Follow God's plan to do good ~ (Proverbs 14:22b states that "...mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.") Let's make it our goal to set a course of doing good all day, every day!
a. Contribute spiritually.
b. Bless your husband's name to others.
c. Be sensitive to your family budget/finances.
d. Train and teach your children.
e. Encourage his aspirations.
f. Follow his leadership.
g. Have a happy home.
h. Exhibit a steady, even-keeled nature.
i. Praise him.
j. Rejoice your husband's heart by "satisfying him at all times". (Proverbs 5:18-19)
k. Be content and delighted with your husband's provision.
l. Pray for him.
I'd like to close this post with the words to a popular wedding song, "Cherish the Treasure" by Steve Green.
"I cherish the treasure, the treasure of you.
Lifelong companion, I give myself to you.
God has enabled me to walk with you faithfully,
and cherish the treasure, the treasure of you.
As I obey the Spirit's voice and seek to do His will,
I then can see the wisdom of His plan.
For as He works His will in me,
I then can love you selflessly,
and by His grace, can pledge my love to you.
This sacred vow I make to you does not contain an "if",
though I'm aware that trials lie ahead.
I will love you and pray with you,
and through it all, I will stay with you.
Our home will be a refuge of unconditional love.
I cherish the treasure, the treasure of you.
Lifelong companion, I give myself to you.
God has enabled me to walk with you faithfully,
and cherish the treasure, the treasure of you."
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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