As I stated in an earlier post, the Lord really has been working in my heart about becoming more hospitable. I find myself wanting to invite folks over for dinner or just for fellowship, but it's challenging. Trying to coordinate schedules can be impossible! There's a wonderful lady in my church that I'm getting to know. We arranged to have dinner together in February. Our visit was relaxed and fun, peppered with laughter and serious discussions. We completely clicked as we shared how we met our husbands and what the Lord has been doing in our lives. We both were a little sad that our visit had to end, so I casually asked her if perhaps our families could get together sometime soon. Her immediate response was that she'd love to, but it wouldn't be until the end of March that we could get together. Their schedule was so crazy, they were doing
something every evening! They were completely stretched thin! Now that April's on the horizon, I hope to invite this family over for some hospitality! I know that it's sometimes difficult for our family to get together with others because my hubs' work schedule is different every day. Sometimes he's home before 4 PM, other evenings it's not until 6 or even 7 before he returns home after a long day! His job is the kind where you don't get to go home until the work's done! Let's get back to the main point ~ hospitality. Scripture is very clear in the matter of hospitality. Paul encourages us as believers in Romans 12:13 that we are to "distribute (ing) to the necessity (or needs) of the saints; given to hospitality." Paul also writes to Timothy about the qualifications of a bishop, or pastor that "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, or good behavior,
given to hospitality, apt to teach." (1 Timothy 3:2) Isn't it amazing that along with his impeccable reputation as a husband, a Godly man, a good judge of character and lives in an orderly manner, God's ideal pastor is known as a man that "treats strangers warmly and treat guests generously"? Wow. Did you notice that qualification is listed
before being able to be skillful in teaching the Word of God? I don't know about you, but that speaks volumes to me! Titus 1:8 also states that a bishop is to be "...a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate." 1 Peter 4:9 says that we are to "use hospitality one to another without grudging (grumbling). That, too speaks volumes. No griping about having to clean the house or prepare a meal if you want to have a heart for hospitality! I've been praying about ways I can both have hospitality in my home and on the road. Once I've prayed for the Lord to show me ways, He's provided several opportunities. Providing meals for families in time of need has been one way, others have been to just drop a card or note to someone the Lord has brought to my mind. I want to incorporate a "Food, Fun, & Fellowship" night in our home, inviting a different family over once a month for dinner, games, & chat. For the "Food" part, I like to cook something easy that most everyone will like, such as Taco salad. Taco meat can be made ahead and kept in the Crock Pot; the fixings can be arranged so that everyone can make their own. I like to use both white and blue corn tortilla chips for fun. Dessert can be as easy as ice cream sandwiches or Drumsticks. Canned soft drinks and bottled water can be chilling in an ice chest. "Fun" is adding a game after dinner. A hilarious, fun, and sometimes (!) competitive game is "Catch Phrase". It gets the joint jumpin' every time! We usually play "boys against the girls" for a total blast. Other fun party games include "Guesstures", "Pictionary", "Pass the Pigs" and "Speed Uno". "Fellowship" is just getting to know one another better, sharing prayer requests and closing with prayer. We had such an opportunity this past weekend. We met a wonderful couple, Jeff & Stacy at a church my husband was filling the pulpit for. They graciously invited us out for burgers at Wendy's after the evening services. Even though we had only met them earlier that morning, we "clicked" with them. They are around 10 years older than we are, have 8 children, homeschool, and are very involved in the ministry. Simple burgers, fries & shakes were transformed to a feast as we chatted about family, ministry, the Bible, Bill O'Rilley, and Glenn Beck. We shared prayer requests and laughter. When we rose to leave 2 hours later, our hearts were knitted. As I hugged Stacy, she said, "Well, we'll see you again either here or in the air." What a treasure! Hospitality. It blesses you as much as it can bless others. Think about it.
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