Oh, how I love to decorate! Give me a unadorned room, an unlimited supply of cash, and all the time in the world, and I'm in total bliss! Of course, it's a rarity to be able to live out the above scenario. In reality, we must make do with what we have and perhaps incorporate a few small expenditures for our vision to come to pass.
As newlyweds, all of our furniture had been handed down from our parents and a wonderful friend of mine. For example, our now-bedroom dresser had once been my changing table as a baby. My father-in-law had made our bedroom side table when he was in high school. Most of our living room furniture had belonged to my parents. All the furniture was in reasonably good shape and had been well-cared for.
As our family grew, however, things happened. Seven moves in seven years resulted in a broken hide-away couch. Infants initiated chair and couch cushions as only they can. The square footage of our living room varied from teeny-tiny apartments, awkwardly placed windows in a mobile home, weird extra rooms in an old Victorian, to the nicely sized area we live in now.
When we bought our first home (we currently live there now) my "colors" were (because of the hand-me-downs) slate blue, mauve pink, and cream. Our new living room had newer, earth-tone carpeting and warm ivory walls ~ but the drapes! I believe the word hideous should be used here ~ bright, dark burgandy-red (mainly red) drapes that were backed with a heavy white rubber-like material. Since we didn't have the extra cash to purchase new ones, I knew I had to somehow incorporate bright burgandy into my palette of restful blues, delicate mauves, and creamy ivories.
Fortunately, on a trip to either Khol's or Penny's, I found inexpensive throw pillows that had a floral pattern of blue, mauve, ivory, and ~ dark burgandy! A trip to Hobby Lobby enabled me to add inexpensive touches of burgandy to my floral arrangements, and voila! It worked!
Our bedroom walls were bright yellow and white sponge painting ~ what were these people thinking? So we repainted it with a creamy white. When we could afford it, the hubs finished the walls with a decorative glaze that looks like denim. We topped it with a country border that has hearts and sunflowers and other blue flowers on a creamy shelf. Now the room is denim blue and cream with touches of brick red hearts and golden sunflowers. Since we didn't have a headboard, we purchased some European pillows that serve as our "headboard".
My dream is to make my own headboard someday with plywood, batting, and denim fabric. We'd love to purchase a new bedroom set, but it's not in the budget. For now, my former changing table and my father-in-law's high school project are working just fine. Our old corner entertainment center houses our TV, and another hand-me-down entertainment table is my side table. God always provides for our needs, but He also blesses us with our wants, too.
My father-in-law took pity on us shortly after we moved into our current home six years ago. He and my mother-in-law came over to watch the kiddos for us while the hubs & I went out for a date. F-I-L tried to take a nap on our tiny loveseat, but was unsuccessful. When the hubs & I arrived home, he informed us that they would be giving us some cash to get "a decent couch".
A week later, we bought the current living room set we have now ~ and it was even on sale! With some of the extra cash, we bought a new entertainments center as well as a couple of nice end tables. I was thrilled to finally (!) get rid of the rubber-backed burgandy drapes that came with the house to a pleasing, nubby shade of olive green. Our living room is now done in comforting earth tones. The overall effect is cozy and restful. My idea of bliss!
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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