What is it about the idea of a new week that gives me the sense of a new beginning? As per usual, life got in the way and I didn't blog like I wanted to last week. I had every intention to get to the computer, but obviously, it never happened!
We had someone come look at our house over the weekend, but haven't heard any feedback yet. I'm getting a little discouraged because we're still HERE when we want to be THERE! Everything seems to be in limbo, and I don't do well in those conditions!
I continue to remind myself that my Shepherd is "making me lie down in green pastures" of rest, but I must confess, sisters, I'm antsy! The Lord knows and understands our desire to serve Him and will put us exactly where we need to be at exactly the right time, but I have to be transparent enough to share that I'm struggling.
Bits and pieces of verses come to mind:
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee"
"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him"
"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength"
God knows my heart ~ every thought and intent ~ and knows what's best. He's in control and "commands my destiny"! I just thought of an old song from the late '70s ~ "I believe. I believe. I believe, so why should I worry or fret? He holds the future in the palm of His hand, and He's never failed me yet. I know He's reigning and is still in control, so why should I worry or fret? I know Who holds the future, and I know Who holds my hand. I know just as sure as I'm *singing* this song, I'm a part of His almighty plan. I believe, I believe, I believe, so why should I worry or fret?"
Time to take this to heart and put it in my mind! BTW, sisters, this is how the Lord speaks to me ~ though His Word and through music!
Thanks, Abba!
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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