I've not posted in a while, because, quite frankly, I haven't really had the desire to. It was just one more thing on my never-ending "to do" list. Besides, I felt as if I'd gotten away from the main idea of this blog, which was to encourage my fellow sisters who are homemakers.
That got me thinking ~ what exactly is a homemaker, anyway? A homemaker is more than just a stay-at-home mom or the wife who takes care of her house by keeping it clean and organized. Yes, those things obviously come into play, but it's so much more than that. I want to not only make my house a home, but I want to love it and those I care for.
Beginning tomorrow, I want to share practical as well as spiritual ideas for homemaking.
Also, since I homeschool my three kiddos, I've decided to begin a new blog devoted to their schooling. It's called The Homeschooler's Haven. The link is in my sidebar under "Places I Visit". Feel free to stop by sometime!
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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