Webster's defines refuge as a "shelter (a.k.a. something that covers, protects or defends) or protection from danger or difficulty". Other definitions include "a person or thing that gives shelter, help, or comfort" and "a place of safety; shelter; safe retreat". I was amazed as I thought about this! Part of my job as homemaker is to create a place my family feels secure, safe, and comfortable.
The old saying of "It's a jungle out there!" just about sums it up. It's harried and busy, and sometimes harsh and unkind. Our family needs a place to recuperate from a long day, and that place is home.
On a particular stressful day, my husband staggered in the front door, saying, "I knew if I could just get home, everything would be all right." Our home became that place of refuge for him. He needed the restful, calming atmosphere to unwind and refresh himself.
Even though we are a homeschooling family and my children are at home most of the time, I still need to create a place of refuge for them. A counselor reported that "a secure home life tends to reduce frustration and uneasiness in a child's life, and it gives them the ability to cope with pressures more effectively".
Oh, to build a home that strengthen/renews my family ~ to set up a place where hearts are renewed and souls are refreshed! What an amazing opportunity we're given as homemakers!
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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