Friday, April 30, 2010


Hello, sisters! God is so amazing, isn't He? I was up late/early again this morning, listening to the wind whistle through the trees and the rain pound on the roof. When I went out later in the morning, the earth smelled so fresh and fragrant-- that unique aroma that only God can create. At noon, as I was out and about with my kids, the sun broke through the overcast sky, casting its brilliant rays to the ground. I smiled. "God is good."

I enjoy these simple things so much because I know that God takes great delight in His creation as well. The praise I lift to my Creator is found in John's Revelation, chaper 4:11
"Thou art worthy, O Lord,
to receive glory and honour and power:
for thou hast created all things,
and for thy pleasure they are and were created."
I delighted in creation this morning-- and listened to the Lord speak to me. The scent of the rain reminded me to put on the fragrance of Christ, and the sun piercing the cloudy sky reminded me to let my light shine for Him.


  1. "Thank You God for just being You, and thank You for Your creation, and thank You for Your love for me".

  2. Oh so beautiful! What an eloquent tribute to our Creator, Shel! I love it.
