Oh, how I wish I had the discipline to blog every day! Seems like my daily life rushes by, and I neglect to get to the computer! I don't know how so many women do it! They must be amazingly organized! I have managed to schedule some posts, but the day to day thing is almost too much for me!
That being said, I've managed to sneak in a minute while the water's boiling for my kid's fave lunch of all time ~ mac & cheese! I still need to do a couple loads of laundry, though, as well as grade papers and record the grades. The house is vacuumed, but I need to dust, Windex and mop, as well as clean the bathroom ~ sigh ~ all before my piano student arrives later this afternoon.
My pastor asked me to direct the adult choir for the Christmas cantata, and I'm so excited! I haven't conducted an adult choir for over 10 years, so I was a little nervous! Thankfully, the first rehearsal went well. Several people told me how much fun they had and that they really enjoyed it. I was so happy! Although I love to sing and play the piano, but I believe my "true" God-given talent is in choral conducting. I find absolute delight in teaching parts and leading the choir past the notes and rhythms to realize/recognize the meaning of the songs they're singing.
That's what's going on in mi casa this rainy Wednesday afternoon!
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
Shel - that's so awesome! So excited for you!!!