Since we've moved, I've been unpacking a plethora of boxes! We have boxes of every size, shape, and color. Although I tried to label every box, many got stuff thrown in at the last minute. You know how it is when you move. You start out all organized and label everything carefully, but by the end, you just throw stuff in boxes to get it out of the house and on the truck!
As I look at the 20 boxes that still litter my kitchen floor, bedroom, hallway and entryway, I begin to realize this is a spiritual metaphor.
Although I know what general items are in the boxes, I don't know the contents of each one individually just by looking at the outside. I search the contents and move each box from place to place, distributing the items where they belong ~ either to keep, store, trash, or set back for a garage sale.
We all have issues that burden us ~ hurts we keep in the imaginary boxes of our hearts. No one can tell the contents of our boxes just by looking at the outside. We can choose to distribute our items from place to place ~ keeping them within reach to allow anger or resentment to fester ~ storing them to revisit or to remind others how they've hurt us ~ setting them back to rehash with others. However, with God's help, we can choose to place them at the foot of the cross and let Jesus take them from us. In return, He will give us the grace, strength, and mercy we need to go on.
"Come unto me," Jesus urges. "All ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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