Friday, May 27, 2011

My Home ~ My Ministry

TGIF ~ thank goodness it's Friday! Today is the final day of an incredibly busy week. This move has really done me in ~ physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I need to have order in my life, and having things in disarray for almost 3 weeks has gotten me down. Just as I try to organize things and get settled, something else needs to get done ~ laundry, cooking, general housework ~ did I mention laundry? I just couldn't get a handle on things and had fallen way behind. I was miserable!

Wednesday was the hardest. I felt like a complete failure as a wife, mother, and homemaker. My home was disheveled. I was exhausted. I broke down. I cried tears of frustration, anger, regret, and self-pity. Thankfully, my husband was home.

He quietly dismissed the children (who were flabbergasted to see their mommy have a major melt-down) and took me into his arms and let me cry. The solid strength of his chest and comfort of his arms allowed me to collapse into a sobbing mess. He stroked my hair and rubbed my back. He listened to my unintelligible mutterings.

When I was finally spent, he took my face into his hands. Looking deeply into my eyes, he began to compliment me ~ he told me how much he loved me, how much he appreciated the work I had been putting into our home, how lovely things looked that I had finished, and how happy he was that I was his wife. His sweet words uplifted me.

As I reflect back on my husband's love and patience, I can't help but think of Christ. He's waiting for me to bring my many burdens to Him. He knows the groanings of my spirit and wants me to share them with Him. Jesus loves me with an unconditional love. He is happy that I am His Bride. His precious Word uplifts me. And one day soon, He will say to me, "Well done."

Lord, help me to focus my thoughts toward You and to Heaven.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chocolate Surprise Cupcakes

Here's the promised recipe, Kaylee!

Preheat oven to 350. Prepare cupcake pans.

Prepare the "surprise" filling:

Mix together:
1 8-oz. package softened cream cheese
1 egg
1 cup sugar
1 t vanilla

Prepare your favorite chocolate cake recipe, or use a mix. Fill pans with cake batter. Drop a little of surprise filling in batter and sprinkle with a few mini chocolate chips. Bake cake according to directions. Let cool completely, and frost with chocolate frosting.


Since we've moved, I've been unpacking a plethora of boxes! We have boxes of every size, shape, and color. Although I tried to label every box, many got stuff thrown in at the last minute. You know how it is when you move. You start out all organized and label everything carefully, but by the end, you just throw stuff in boxes to get it out of the house and on the truck!

As I look at the 20 boxes that still litter my kitchen floor, bedroom, hallway and entryway, I begin to realize this is a spiritual metaphor.

Although I know what general items are in the boxes, I don't know the contents of each one individually just by looking at the outside. I search the contents and move each box from place to place, distributing the items where they belong ~ either to keep, store, trash, or set back for a garage sale.

We all have issues that burden us ~ hurts we keep in the imaginary boxes of our hearts. No one can tell the contents of our boxes just by looking at the outside. We can choose to distribute our items from place to place ~ keeping them within reach to allow anger or resentment to fester ~ storing them to revisit or to remind others how they've hurt us ~ setting them back to rehash with others. However, with God's help, we can choose to place them at the foot of the cross and let Jesus take them from us. In return, He will give us the grace, strength, and mercy we need to go on.

"Come unto me," Jesus urges. "All ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ministry of Motherhood

I began to post on this book last year, but got overly busy to post every day. I'm excited to begin this study again with the Good Morning Girls from The blog button is in my sidebar if you're interested in joining. I'll begin blogging on this subject next Monday, May 23rd.