If you guessed Elizabeth George, you won the prize! Mrs. George is a truly talented teacher and author. I love how she makes each book personal and shares her godly wisdom so freely!
My all~time fave is her popular "A Woman After God's Own Heart". That's the book that God used to get me back on track spritually. Although I had been helping my husband in the ministry, I had come to a point where I was spiritually numb.
I know that Satan attacks Christians mercilessly, but I was in for a shock when we entered the ministry. Almost instantaneously, everything ~ our marriage, character, motives ~ was being attacked with such feriocity that I was totally unprepared! I felt as if I spent most of my time defending myself and the hubs instead of edifying others! I became discouraged, and then resentful. Allowing my circumstances control my life, I gave up and quit spending time in the Word and in prayer.
I remember being at a point when I asked God if He really even was there. I actually doubted ~ me, who had been in church since I was 5 days old ~ saved at the age of 12 ~ serving in some capacity since I was a teenager ~ I actually doubted the existence of God!
I remember the question Mrs. George asked about what kind of heart did we have? Was it cold, warm, or hot? The correct response, of course, was that we should cultivate a hot heart for the Lord ~ a heart of passion and purpose. My heart wasn't even cold, sisters. It was ice.
As I forced myself to continue the study, I would pray, "God, if You're really there, restore to me the joy of my salvation." It didn't happen right then, but after 3 days. It sounds ridiculously poetic, but I felt as if my icy heart had melted, and the water became my tears. God is, indeed, plenteous in mercy!
That, I believe, is why I have such an admiration for Mrs. George. Any of her books are great reads and will challenge and inspire you to reach for a close, intimate relationship with the Saviour.
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
Ooooh Shel - I can SOOOO relate to this post. I mean. SERIOUSLY! We're not even in ministry fully - and man are we under the gun - in the enemy's sights... I GOTTA get this book by Elizabeth George. =)