My oldest turned 10 yesterday. TEN! Where has the time gone? Just yesterday, she was a tiny baby, her every need dependent on me. Now she is on the brink of young womanhood, becoming increasingly INdependent and making decisions of her own!
I realized this on Saturday. That's when I took her shopping for her birthday gift! My mom sent her some $ to spend, and boy, was she ever particular on how she was going to spend it! I believe I spent 30 minutes in Claire's, standing in one spot while she looked at the earrings and BFF jewelry. "Oh, honey, how cute is this?" I'd say, pointing to an adorable pair of delicate flower earrings. "Eww, Mom! I like these better!" she'd retort, holding up a pair of earrings that consisted of one box of french fries and another of a soft drink in a cup, complete with straw. Not my idea of fashion, I tell you! Of course, as you'd probably surmise, she didn't buy anything.
We then drove to Toys~R~Us specifically for Littlest Pet Shop merchandise. (Keep in mind, she no longer plays with them. She collects them! Playing with them is, like, so uncool!) Standing in one spot for about 45 minutes, we looked at every pet they had to offer, but she then wanted to look at scooters. Scooters (thankfully!) were well past her budget, so we went to the arts and crafts department. Nothing grabbed her interest there, so back we went to the LPS aisle.
"Sweetie, you're going to have to choose something," I informed her, no longer smiling and my patience worn thin. "Okay, Mom, okay. Let me just look at this one thing." Ten minutes later, she finally decided on a Fur Real Tea Cup Kitten that sits in a little purse. It purrs and bats its little paws. It's completely adorable ~ and so is my precious daughter.
Cool and hip one minute, a little girl the next. I must say ~ I'm completely smitten and in love with her! I'm excited to get to know this amazing person and build a relationship with my blossoming young lady!
However, I feel the burden of responsibility to teach and train her to become a woman after God's heart. How I pray that she will look to her Father instead of succumbing to listen to the father of lies; That she will find her self-worth and value in Jesus instead of the world; That she will stand firm in the faith instead of bowing to peer pressure. I can only pray that as a mom, I'll direct her focus upward instead of outward. The only way I can do this is through prayer, being an example, and just "being there" for her!
I'll return to my posting of Psalm 23 tomorrow ~ God's Promise of Guidance.
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
oh my goodness - SO sweet. SO sweet, Shel. I'm so encouraged by your attitude about mothering your daughters... Thanks!