I'm impossibly running behind schedule, as usual. I will begin my post for week 4 starting on Monday, June 6th. I love, love, LOVE this study about the importance of administering grace to my children. Just as Jesus gives me grace on almost a minute by minute basis, I must do the same for my children. This study has been very convicting to me!
It's interesting how the Lord works in your life once you're willing and open to His leading. He allows things to shape and mold you. We began a Bible study on Wednesday evenings called "A Journey Worth Planning ~ Raising a Modern Day Joseph".
Our wonderful pastor (who has raised 2 children who know, love, and serve the Lord) is leading this study. I'm excited to glean from God's Word and my pastor's teaching how I can ~ by example ~ train my children to be a man and women after God's heart.
You know, nothing negative is ever mentioned about Joseph in the Bible. Yes, he was young and foolish to tell his already jealous brothers about his dreams, but he was ultimately the epitome of a faithful servant, a man of forgiveness, compassion, and godliness. No wonder he's often depicted as a type of Christ.
I so want that to be said of me ~ and how I wish that for my kids!
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago